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Fire Prevention Week

Did you hear?  Fire Prevention Week begins October 3!

Building management would like to take this opportunity to  share resources on how to be proactive in preventing fires in both an office or home environment.

Fire Prevention Week was established to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Since 1922, Fire Prevention Week has aimed to teach children and adults what to do in the event of a fire. This makes it the longest public health and safety observance on record.


Smoking (including vaping) is strictly prohibited in the building and around the property in areas not designated for smoking. Please reference map below for the building’s designated smoking area. Cigarette butts should be fully extinguished before being disposed of in the receptacles. Please do not use the landscaping and mulched areas to extinguish smoking material.

Space Heaters & Electric Blankets – Items such as space heaters, electric blankets/foot rests are strictly prohibited; these items can not only overload an outlet and/or circuit, but can overheat and fail. Please encourage all staff to bring or wear extra layers during the colder weather.   Space heaters and electric blankets may be confiscated during building rounds.

Power Strips  & Extension cords – Power strips and/or extension cords are meant to bring power to a source temporarily; they are trip and fire hazards.  Please refrain from using these items.


The Building Emergency Procedure Manual  was created to provide workplace best practices when encountering a building emergency.  For a copy of the  Manual please contact your Building Management Team at 630-873-2209.

Things to consider:

Does your company have an evacuation plan?

Who is part of the evacuation/emergency team?

Does your company have a dedicated meeting place outside and away from the building in case of an evacuation?

Does everyone know where the nearest stairwells are located?  Are you aware that there are more than one stairwell?

Where is the nearest fire extinguisher?  Does everyone know how to use an extinguisher?

If you or your team said “no” to the above questions please contact Building Management and we can assist and provide recommendations for you and your team.


Test your smoke alarms regularly.

Inspect your heating sources; check those air filters.

Keep your stove and oven clean.

Don’t leave your kitchen while food is cooking; turn that pot off!

Check your dryer; clean that lint trap after every use.

Don’t use frayed or damaged cords.

Extinguish those candles before you leave.

Be careful with that fireplace; extinguish all ashes after they have cooled down.

Keep a fire extinguisher on hand – kitchens , garages and laundry rooms are great places to start.


Do you live in more than a single story?  Think about an Emergency Escape Ladder and store in each closet.

Fire extinguishers can help extinguish small fire. Ensure the whole family knows how to use.

Consider a meeting place outside of your home (at a safe distance) to meet in case of an evacuation.

Flash lights and plenty of batteries.

Talk to your family about being prepared.